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Melty Mark

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Melty Mark last won the day on April 14 2018

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4261 Excellent


About Melty Mark

  • Birthday 04/16/1992

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    de Nile
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  • Member Title
    Don't let it set in

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  1. Happy 30th birthday

    1. Melty Mark

      Melty Mark

      happy late 30th to you too, bday almost-twin!

  2. That album slapped, just listened and had a good cry this very morning.
  3. His mother is suing the fuck out of his management for essentially funneling fake xanax into him and propping him up onstage despite begging to be off the tour he was on when he passed. Good for her.
  4. I don't think it does. Doesn't seem like anyone thinks this makes sense when you browse commentary.
  5. My friend who passed fucking loved the whole gang, so I started to like them a bit more after that because it makes me think of him. It's not bad at all, and Peep sounded great live. He was actually a talented kid. Loved blink too!
  6. how did this happen though? How did they even have my address lol
  7. Why did a copy of Nine show up at my parents' house? Did the merch come from Virginia? Mine was addressed from VA but I really don't remember buying or preordering this.
  8. Liked Sorority Noise quite a bit. I would recommend Modern Baseball. Folk punk that's pretty nice.
  9. If the blink tour is any indication, three huge names will jack prices sky high.
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