It isn’t rocket science, Fap. If you pull your head out of your ass and stop trying to be Billy Badass of Kingdom SRH, you might be able to learn a thing or two about what’s actually happening in the world around you. Never seen someone so willing to choke on their own foot before … you know, MGK has a thing for feet too!
You guys remember when Oliver was shitting all over Tom about not really playing and not doing this and that and how Oliver could just knock Tom out of the water and he oughta jump up on stage and show Tom how blink songs are REALLY?! Then he put on a YouTube concert to show us all how it’s really done and was exhausted and about to puke 2 and a half songs in!
I think of that every time non-performers start spouting off about performing should be done.
Tom doesn’t backtrack the old songs, it’s just the newer material that is built off of 5 or 6 guitar parts. Fap just ruining it for himself for no reason at all.
So I get dealt my hand and it’s a 2 and a 3. I says to the dealer, ‘hit me’ and I get a 6. ‘One more time’, I say, tapping on the table. Get dealt a 4. Again, tapping on the table I said ‘one more time’. This time a Jack. Fucking bust.