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Everything posted by Speedo

  1. Go to fucking school.
  2. Confused? No. Annoyed? Yes.
  3. They’re no Brain Candy.
  4. I didn’t mind the bridge but it doesn’t really add anything to the song. All In My Head is the better song. They’re both pretty good though.
  5. @23 years 3 months 4 days Ghost wants a high five.
  6. Team Seepage sounds like a support group for drug side effects.
  7. I didn’t care much for it when it first came out but it grew on me a couple of years ago and it’s been enjoyable for me since. I have to be in a chill mood though, it’s not something I put on for energy.
  8. What did they serve? Was it salmon? You matched dinner huh?
  9. Who said you were in the wedding?
  10. It’s a plus44 song. Lillian. Great song but Jan’s being silly like wearing a salmon checkered shirt to a wedding.
  11. You know it’s not, Jan. You’re just being silly now.
  12. So would hot air … that’s just poor weather sealing.
  13. Wore cologne?
  14. There’s no statute of limitations on something like this. This is a gift.
  15. I fucking missed this gem …. Jan, lol, wtf?!
  16. Drop it? Why, so it can go back into the water? Can it not breathe out of water on account of it being salmon?
  17. It’s still salmon.
  18. I love all of the bonus songs. TOYPAJ was the soundtrack to my life and my all time favorite blink album.
  19. I don’t mind the last minute but it would have been better without it, yeah
  20. Thongriderth are thenthitive thath why they write thongth.
  21. Phone is on silent, Chewy.
  22. What’s the DEAL with these backing tracks?!
  23. It’s only gay if you kiss and/or hold hands. Everyone knows that.
  24. I love you, Bucko!
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