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George R. Binks

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George R. Binks last won the day on September 24

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About George R. Binks

  • Birthday 07/25/1886

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Mitten
  • Interests
    drums, guitar, watching Detroit Lions fail year after year, boobies, marijuana, food, and of course long walks on the beach
  • Real Name
    Jack Goff


  • Member Title
    Mohammad Wall-E

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  1. @Elite Takes - this is jan this is for you bud 💙❤️💜💛💚
  2. And the ps5. Takes a fuckboi to know a fuckboi. Clarke fucks
  3. Hahaha I forgot about that argument. One of the dumbest things I’ve ever heard. Dude probably spent his whole summer with his balls stuck to his leg because he thinks it’s beta to wear shorts 🤦🏼‍♂️ Also looks like Clarke been working out those calves 👀
  4. Whatever it is it def looks cringe lord status lol
  5. I hope one day I’ll be able to feel a vergina!
  6. I’ve never heard anyone brag about stealing flowers from a woman. I’m not speaking for everyone. In general, dudes don’t receive flowers as a gift. You guys can try and play your virtue signaling game all you want here tho, be my guest lol
  7. I’m not having this discussion again. So stupid.
  8. We’ve had this discussion before lol. Obviously I’m speaking in general but the fact is most men don’t get excited about flowers as a gift. Over react and say whatever tho lol
  9. Yes. I’ve already attacked this lyric before. No dude is getting excited for roses on the stairs (unless they’re rose pedals leading from the stairs up to the bedroom and your naked chick which is how I’ve cooked with this lyric 😂). I’ve always thought “two joints” would have been much better than roses. But I guess the radio wouldn’t have liked that huh.
  10. I’ve never once seen a Duke cannon ad you moron. Dude wipes are high quality wipes, the value brands always make my ass itch. Sorry for using quietly wipes. Dr squatch is dumb and overpriced. I’ve never even heard of Mugsy. Was that the brand of jeans you were wearing with your pink plaid shirt at a wedding? Duke Cannon is the shit
  11. For sure, my favorite soap is Duke Cannon Productivity, it’s very minty. Try it out!
  12. I wasn’t being serious. Chill (mint)
  13. Ok? So he should still change the lyric because he’s a homecoming king who clearly loves the jocks
  14. Yea he did sell a lot on reverb. He’s def not sentimental but he may be for some of them. I noticed he still has the all white Strat from TOYPAJ era on that rack (not talking about the white reissue with red knob), the actual all white he had and used for rock show video
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