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Everything posted by Knuckles

  1. Facts. I’m not convinced that he plays All of the guitars on OMT at all.
  2. You are such a tool. Taking a comment I made in jest like 2 years ago out of context and trying to say I applied it to blink as a whole. Like Oliver, you are not a smart person. Feel free to write another essay, but we’re done here. I am not trying to shit on blink. You can pretend Tom is the best boy ever though and get back to jerking off for him.
  3. Oh yea, “they’re so real that they caved in to record execs demands and wrote cheesy pop songs to make millions of dollars.” COPE after you’re done listening to Apple shampoo put on your shitty MGK record that you loved so much and follow that up with whack ass simple plan. Keep 311 out of your mouth little boy
  4. I’m not going to go back and forth with you. Mark and Tom have both admitted to writing songs like First Date and Rock Show out of spite, specifically for record execs and radio. That’s not genuine music and for you to not be able to admit it just shows your lack of credibility assessing anything. When Tom has several of his own songs that he can’t stand, that should tell you something
  5. When dudes in their 30s are writing songs specifically to market to teenagers and singing about jocks and preps, I don’t consider that 100% real or genuine..despite me loving them. If’s not that hard of a concept to understand buddy and TOYPAJ is widely regarded as straight up made for cash, even amongst their biggest fans you can go back to your shitty fall out boy and panic at the disco records now imagine admitting to liking simple plan but trying to shit on 311 hahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHA
  6. Yea bro, you listen to shitty emo music. You don’t like real music so I don’t want your co-sign. Thank you
  7. And since most of you clowns only care about how Tom looks, Nick Hexum has Tom beat on that front too. Cry more lol
  8. They’ve sold millions and millions of records and still sell out amphitheaters across the world, but sure…nobody wants to listen to them, lol. Got some elementary kids making comments here I see. Atleast 311 actually play all their guitar parts live and don’t rely on backing tracks to do 75% of the work 🤣
  9. The ignorance in these comments is hilarious. Meanwhile, you’re quoting Fall Out Boy songs. Embarrassing lol P.S. - the worst guitarist in 311 is better at guitar than Tom
  10. One song? Down. Come Original. Beautiful Disaster. Creatures (For a While). Amber. Don’t Tread on Me. Amber is in a million movies. Why don’t YOU try again. I can’t converse with morons like you who default to “Tom is God” and try to call a band with 5-10 radio smashes a one hit wonder. You have no clue what you’re talking about. Songs like First Date and All the Small Things don’t stack up against those songs either you fucking retard. I mean, the fact you said Tom Delonge is the best at anything already proves that lmfao . Clown!
  11. Ok yea, 311 doesn’t chart as high as blink in 2024. I don’t even understand nor give a shit about charting in 2024. I’m just saying 311 was a mainstream band. Just because NSYNC isn’t selling millions of albums current day doesn’t mean they are underground all of a sudden. So this is a meaningless conversation. 311 is still mainstream. They’re just not as popular.
  12. You’re right. 311 is criminally underrated. The talent in that band surpassed RHCP. But 311 stills plays amphitheaters every year. On some of blinks down years, 311 did better. On blink’s best days, they do what 5k-10k more at the most? I never heard about blink outside of this website. They aren’t miles ahead of 311 as some of you have implied
  13. No shit, and you guys aren’t being fair. Your definition has been and remains “your favorite.” Not best
  14. Tom is not the best guitarist dude. He would tell you that. Quit slobbing his knob. there are far more people in this world who agree his is not the best than the few simps here that do. In no world is he the best guitarist. And that’s not a knock on him. I don’t know why you have to make ridiculous claims like “Tom could totally play Clapton if he wanted to.” and again, imagine agreeing with Clarke!
  15. Because you’re biased and can’t be objective. Which is what I’ve said all along. Case closed
  16. The best of his era and genre were not the parimeters. The claim was he is the best mainstream guitarist. Thanks for once again inserting yourself into a conversation and trying to move the goal posts.
  17. I don’t care if he can either. But the point is someone else (Jan) said it and it just shows how far from reality your views on Tom are. People loved him because he is not the best guitarist out there. He would tell you that. Stop pretending he is something he isn’t. That’s all, peace
  18. If you think Tom can play any Clapton you’re a special needs person.
  19. @Dans Cliff a wise man once told me repeatedly “imagine agreeing with Clarke.” check yourself before you wreck yourself
  20. You are a clown dude. Tom can’t even play the easiest Guns N Roses riff but yet you claim he could play Clapton “if he wanted to.” 🤣🤣🤣 people like you are the reason people hate on Tom DeLonge
  21. Do you? What the hell makes you think your opinion holds more weight?
  22. Cool. Doesn’t make him the best at anything.
  23. Respectfully, this is just a whole lot of mumbo jumbo. You guys aren’t talking about Tom objectively. But whatever, go ahead and say hes the best. There are far more people in the world who think he is NOT even close to the best.
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