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Posts posted by Spooge182

  1. Has anyone snagged either Toms or Marks picks?  I was wondering what the picks for this tour look like and if anyone would be willing to part with said item(s).  I think Mark's picks have the octo on one side and  Blink-182 on the other, was mostly wondering about Tom's.

    Thanks in advance.

    My friend got Tom's in Cincinatti, I think it was orange if I remember right. He said he was gonna frame it haha. I can look at it again and give you more details on what it looks like if you want ha.

    That would be awesome.. have seen a couple of different ones on ebay that had different writing on them 'Dance Monkey Dance' and 'A great pick for a shitty guitarist'  just wondering which is actually this tours pick.

  2. In the process of uploading my videos to youtube.  Just got back from TO and am processing them.  These where shot on my shitty Sony DSC-S90 from 203-B-9.  Sorry about the douche that keeps getting in the way.  I will be adding the links as they upload.  Also have ~1000 still pictures to sort through ( Fuji Finepix F200EXR ), I will toss some up on tinypic.com and link them in this message as well.

    Dumpweed  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P1wba8E1j68


    Feeling This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E6Fsi2Og0pc


    Rock Show http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUR7Ok3FEs4


    WMAA http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDaAxc-XNSQ


    Travis's Drum intro to Violence ( can't remember exactly ) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fd_eFmYo82g


    I Miss You http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WR3LwvUHkSA


    Always http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VrNUhLlcdo


    First Date http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0m5Nhrqw8H8


    ATST http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYb6ciJ0-X4


    Reckless Abandon Intro http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7oJh0KOxdgM


    Josie http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQzfkmzQQYA


    Oh Canada - Anthem Pt. 2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M5f-8t1DSC4


    Travis' Big Drum Solo http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szx2O_h88SU


    Carousel http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YADYXVUnScA


    Dammit http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvcGRhoyCn0






  3. I'm section 202 VV , that apparently right in the center...i hope. :?

    Your going to be a couple rows behind me probably.

    Thats shitty, I thought I was like floor or some shit. i just bought my ticket off this kid I know. I really had no idea I would be behind people. fuck, I'm stupid for not looking. I was assuming I was like. One row back er whatever. Guess not : P

    Rows start at A, so in row VV you will be like 48 rows back from general, second last row in the section next to the sound booth.  The good thing is that general here is only like 100' deep.

  4. Venue says to call the day of the show to find out about cameras, clothing restrictions etc.  As a general rule of thumb, point and shoot cameras are ok, but they sometimes get picky when you try to bring in an SLR.

    Ya I read my ticket yesterday to try and figure some stuff out.  Backpacks aloud?  <did i spell that wrong it doesnt look right?


    Yes that it's I couldn't figure out for the life of me how to spell it.  Don't you hate when you have those moments.

    Just got off the phone with the Ampitheatre, no SLR cameras or cameras with detachable lens.  Guess I'm off to buy a new point-n-shoot.

  5. What were the restrictions for cameras at this show?  Where they letting SLRs in or just point'n'shoots?

    as long as it looks like a camera (and not a video camera), then you are good. luckily, most cameras record video.

    Sweet.. got hosed in Montreal.. was only allowed my shitty point-n-shoot... so I have ~200 blurry color smears.

    23rd I'm bringing my good camera.

  6. Montreal had Tom and Travis on the lmtd shirt. Had the limited merch at multiple booths, lots of large and x-large shirts available, multiple bunnies and even a stack of the limited posters. Will post shots once I get them off the camera.

    Edit: doors opened at 6-6:30 for the 7:30 show, and I got my merch at 7ish...

    Montreal ltd shirt


    Vip Ticket Merch :



    Shirt: - It doesn't have the tour dates on the back.


    VIP Pass:


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