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  2. In 2044 pop "artists" will be stunned if someone else records their own music. "You make it yourself? Like ABBA? The prompt button is right there! That's very 1990s!"
  3. I don't doubt you there. The United States is notorious for being reactive to regulating new technology, whereas Europe is proactive. Controversies are going to arise and it's gradually going to get less muddy.
  4. too bad the cat is out of the bag and all of the AI generated slop you see now is already trained on an unknown number of artists without their consent. Maybe something changes in the future but it is already too late.
  5. And I agree with this as well - to an extent. (I dont think this should be absolute. There are exceptions and there’s also a certain degree that I think can be tolerated). Luckily I think there are two forces that will ensure human expression and art aren’t entirely nuked as a whole by A.I. 1) The free market. (People will naturally start to recognize the value in human work and be drawn to it). 2) Copyright. (The Constitution’s Copyright Clause ensures that appropriate rulings are made that ensure we can continue “To promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts”). Currently there are questions over whether Copyrighted works can be used in training data, and there are also questions over what percentage of generative A.I. disqualifies a mostly human-made work from Copyright protection.
  6. is this Oliver and his new babe?
  7. OMG look at this AI art:
  8. Tomatoes and strawberries don't have as much flavor from the store because neither stays fresh after ripening long enough for transportation. It's not a conspiracy. If you've ever picked either fresh, you'll know they only last a couples days tops before they turn to mush. You would have to either grow yourself or buy local if you want full flavor. Otherwise you're getting fruit picked when not ripe and modified to be large and stay "fresh." I grow both in my garden As for milk, that's just due to people buying milk with fat removed. Whole milks are still available
  9. yes, I agree. Keep it out of anything having to do with human expression and art.
  10. I didn’t read all that, but I got to the tomatoes & now I want tomatoes from the garden.
  11. It's no shocker to see another instance of nature and human craftsmanship being dwindled by an excessive need to increase productivity and profits. We've seen it with food, where seniors today constantly remind us about the days where milk was so rich, tomatoes didn't taste like water, and strawberries were packed with such a vibrant flavor. Today's artificial means that have improved yield and profit come at the expense of flavor and quality. You buy chicken today at the store, but we all know that shit isn't the same it was 10 years ago. Go to Chipotle, and it's not nearly what it used to be. And we've unfortunately accepted it. The same way that we've accepted how plastic from IKEA is supposed to be furniture, how mass-produced TV shows on streaming services are killing Hollywood blockbusters, how iTunes and Spotify are favoring Singles while ruining the idea of a well-rounded album. You get the idea. Capitalism doesn't mix well with flavor or craftsmanship. A.I. isn't the start, it's just the next thing. The scary difference is that it's impact will be faster and virtually in every space. I can see a future where we miss and crave the imperfections from a human-landscaped yard. Or the words from actual human voice actors. Or having real people as models in advertisements. But oh well. Sure, maybe tomorrow I'll walk outside, stare at the buildings, and take note of their flaws - knowing that maybe one day there won't be any flaws at all to remind me of the human craftsmanship that once went into making or maintaining them. We could all go on.. I don't think that's the conversation that @Ghost meant to spark here, however. And I think he's very clearly expressed that, as well as the fact that he agrees with the overwhelming sentiment from folks too. Yes there are shitty things about A.I. (obviously), but at the same time, there are fucking fascinating things about A.I. Which is what his videos are meant to showcase. I don't think Ghost is going around telling us that there's some rich culture into these whatsoever.. or that you should listen to them for pleasure on your morning runs. He's demonstrating that a technology exists that is actually capable of producing them, and yes, there can be amusement from having your curiosities be satisfied (and perhaps blown away) when you see the next big thing that A.I. can create or automate. There will be positive impacts from A.I. too, which is what these demonstrations are meant to make us optimistic about. I don't think shitting on its negatives necessarily precludes us from enjoying or recognizing its fruits.
  12. Why would he need someone to play guitar for him? He’s a top 7 guitarist all time.
  13. New addition to the timeline website! found ticket stub for this show (huge and massive credits to ultrasonic2025 on ebay for sharing the ticket!) 11/15/1998: The band performs at Kualoa Ranch in Honolulu, Hawaii as a part of the Big Mele '98. Other bands included Matchbox 20, Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, Candlebox, Long Beach Dub All Stars and Home Grown. Source : https://www.ebay.com/itm/365316376322?mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338722076&customid=&toolid=10050
  14. Facts. I’m not convinced that he plays All of the guitars on OMT at all.
  15. hard to say cuz its hard now to know who writes what wtih all the co-writers and what not he still has the ability to do nice smiles tho
  16. “I wouldn’t say blink is “real” music no.” Post oUT oF ConTExT
  17. You are such a tool. Taking a comment I made in jest like 2 years ago out of context and trying to say I applied it to blink as a whole. Like Oliver, you are not a smart person. Feel free to write another essay, but we’re done here. I am not trying to shit on blink. You can pretend Tom is the best boy ever though and get back to jerking off for him.
  18. Again, I don’t listen to MGK either. So if your standard for “real” music is that the band can’t have ever written songs for the mainstream, good luck finding real music. That’s just nonsense. Further, blink put out singles to invite people to listen to their deep cuts as well and watch them perform live (… as real musicians). Lastly, I also don’t subscribe to the idea that a pop song can’t also be real.
  19. Oh yea, “they’re so real that they caved in to record execs demands and wrote cheesy pop songs to make millions of dollars.” COPE after you’re done listening to Apple shampoo put on your shitty MGK record that you loved so much and follow that up with whack ass simple plan. Keep 311 out of your mouth little boy
  20. I’m not denying they’ve had their moments catering to the music business. But the fact they have written things “out of spite,” that should tell you something: these dudes come from a place of being real. Think I’ll throw on Apple Shampoo next.
  21. I’m not going to go back and forth with you. Mark and Tom have both admitted to writing songs like First Date and Rock Show out of spite, specifically for record execs and radio. That’s not genuine music and for you to not be able to admit it just shows your lack of credibility assessing anything. When Tom has several of his own songs that he can’t stand, that should tell you something
  22. I don’t listen to Fall Out Boy or Panic, aside from occasionally putting on their singles like everybody else. And that’s a pretty shitty reason to stamp blink as a whole as not being “real” music. Listening to Dumpweed right now and it’s about as real as it gets my dude.
  23. When dudes in their 30s are writing songs specifically to market to teenagers and singing about jocks and preps, I don’t consider that 100% real or genuine..despite me loving them. If’s not that hard of a concept to understand buddy and TOYPAJ is widely regarded as straight up made for cash, even amongst their biggest fans you can go back to your shitty fall out boy and panic at the disco records now imagine admitting to liking simple plan but trying to shit on 311 hahahahahahahahahaHAHAHAHA
  24. One, emo isn’t my genre. Although some of the bands I like have had their emo moments (blink-182, simple plan). Two, still waiting for you to explain why blink-182 isn’t “real” music.
  25. Yea bro, you listen to shitty emo music. You don’t like real music so I don’t want your co-sign. Thank you
  26. That's just some guy. Am I supposed to be amazed? Tsk tsk.
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