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  3. Man, no moment is as sweet as popping open a fresh bag of Doritos. 

  4. You smell, take a shower. 

  5. It still hurts even after all these years

  6. @Speedo Any San Antonio restaurant or family entertainment recommendations? Riverwalk area

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Speedo


      When were you gonna go?

    3. Ghent


      I was there for two days last weekend, I wasn’t able to do any of your recommendations but we had a good time on the Riverwalk. Stayed at the Westin. Had been like 20 years since I was down there. Went to South Padre for a few days and SA was the pit stop.

      I-35 in Texas sucks ass though dude. I don’t know what is going on with that, but it’s like fighting for your life the second you get on it. Next time I’m in Texas I’m avoiding it at all costs south of Dallas. LA traffic is like a cakewalk compared to that lol

    4. Speedo


      35 has been under construction and miserable my entire life. We are about 20 miles from San Marcos and we avoid 35 at all costs.

  7. My Older Brother Used to Listen to Lagwagon

  8. I just learned a neat trick with windows 11... You press the windows key and then : it allows you to pick emotes and whatnot

    For example this: ╰(°▽°)╯

  9. Deleting statuses now lol you hate to see it 

  10. Giraffes are tall.

    Turtles are gay.

    Come to Burger King and have it your way.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Speedo


      It was a poem and I spoke from the heart you son of a bitch!

    3. Speedo


      Also, nice haiku.

    4. Speedo



      your haiku sucks

  11. Today's going to be a total eclipse of the heart...

  12. Wednesday, April 3, 2024: The Return of the Fap Lord?

  13. I just wanna know who Tom’s hair guy is. I need a crowdfund for follicles

  14. Let's get real, let's get heavy, till the water breaks the levee

  15. Who got the hooch, baby. Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

    1. Speedo


      Well, it’s been a while since I heard that.

    2. Ghent


      Did it have the freshy freshy?

  16. I dip my toe in this cold, cold life

  17. That Beyonce country song is a certified heater ? I said it

  18. March 2nd is around the corner, I'll be 32 soon ?

  19. Now I'm inable to access the FFA forums. Good onya, I probably would've gotten in more trouble!

    1. Ghent


      You've been restricted to certain areas of the boards because of your age. Nothing against you!

    2. Noble


      I know Ghent, I'm actually happy. I really think that was an intelligent move. <3

  20. It's crazy to think that the original blink breakup only lasted 4 years. Felt like a lifetime then

    1. Noble


      What I find interesting is that they released their only studio EP after said hiatus. Then Tom went la da da da dadadada da like his song and ran off to do random shit again. (tangent incoming) Not saying pointless (he formed a university and provided/leaked good information for NASA to use) and Alkaline Trio's guitarist (whose voice sounds like a 2018 SoundCloud rapper's voice) came in. Then Tom came back and Matt walked away. Like, what in the actual fuck, bro acted like a substitute teacher.

  21. Can y’all quit this competition please? I’m tired of jerking off alone.

  22. Interesting find, not sure if you knew of this before, but I just found out you have an interesting castle in your state:

    The guy that owns the castle has his own tiktok and youtube where he's fixing the place up as well (I'm just going to link the tiktok since the tiktok bio has the youtube channel in there)

    1. Speedo


      I’m going to invade the fucking thing. Long live King Speedo!

  23. what's it like in Gungan Ranch

    is it different from Dude Ranch

    1. JarJarBlinks


      It's even wetter down here at the ranch.

    2. Noble
  24. why is system of a down so randomly off color?

  25. YouTube randomly suggested this video to me and I thought it was neat... Looks like an interesting destination spot in Australia to visit:


    1. Russel Coight

      Russel Coight

      I kinda remember learning about this place in school

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