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  1. Today
  2. Can't wait, looking forward to this.
  3. Yesterday
  4. Everyone knows the mons pubis is the gentlemen’s choice.
  5. New addition to the timeline website! found much better flyer for this show (huge and massive credits to Diana Pratt for sharing the flyer on Facebook!) 5/9/1998: The band performs at University of Redlands in Redlands, California as a part of Mayfest. Other bands included the Aquabats, Home Grown, Jeffries Fan Club and Action League. https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=10220222324588571&set=gm.1084708669954327&idorvanity=254453799646489
  6. Last week
  7. The tightness on the palm mutes is everything. Something my vox can’t do.
  8. Thought this deserved its own topic...
  9. just learned of this. huh. definitely undercooked but it's enjoyable in some bits.
  10. Is that just a lot of makeup or AI? 4/10 video.
  11. i know they wanted to play on the whole "part 2/part3/ " thing there thats fine but that album isnt a part 2 lol... its the same fucking album! (yes with the nice extra song at the end but still same album) i cant get over that to me thats a big misnommer there otherwise great deluxe album
  12. the older i get, the more i can see how weak the song writing was in earlier records especially. Tom desperately needed a proper producer to help him reign in his worst qualities. that said, i still love AVA for 2 reason: 1. nostalgia 2. i do think Tom's vision is clear. you can tell he's making what he wanted to make, holding nothing back. and i enjoy the simplicity of that experience. while the LOVE albums are fairly critiqued for being rehashes, i'd actually argue they're more coherent and polished from start to finish compared to WDNTW and I-Empire. that's not a knock on those because i love them, but he fully ran with the space rock thing in a way that holds up pretty well. i really like Lifeforms, but I think it has less of an identity than earlier records do. whether that's good or not probably depends on personal preference. i also just don't care for the Rubin style of production, including when it shows up on certain blink songs. AVA is raw Tom work, like it or hate it, but it was never going to be mainstream because he needs others to turn that stuff into gold.
  13. Speedo

    The Number 182

    Holy shit, I just looked at the rest of it. Am I retarded or is this guy fucking Terrence Howard?! … and also following his math “theories” …
  14. Earlier
  15. yeah i know motion city soundtrack had a gold single a few years back, which implies that someone (mgmt, label, etc) pay attention. who knows! what you will notice on RIAA is an artist will get sort of “re upped” and dozens of singles and albums will get adjusted at once. blink is way overdue though. the last time they measured any of EOTS’s sales for example was like mid-2000, and while it’s not a strong catalog seller like idk dark side of the moon, it’s defintiely, by their metrics (sales + streaming) got to be certified for higher by now.
  16. We’ve already discussed this channel you Zuck Cuck
  17. Thats amazing man, nice one! The community on there is really supportive ive found and the challenges are interesting. One of the ones I wrote last year is going on the new EP because I liked it so much.
  18. Yeah, basically all of his posts are like this or worse.
  19. Jan is Forever Faithful to Deez Nuts 

    1. Speedo


      Jan is a glutton for gonads!

  20. Hope you’re enjoying The Office, and no I do not mean the television show ;)

  21. Thanks! Just pure bliss to listen to, really hits the spot. I could play it on repeat!
  22. Thank you. That was the whole thing. I would take in the debate -because we all are free to open it up-, but not the disrespect just ignoring the point of the thread playing to be the 'sarcastic' intelligent member attacking others, as it's been shown. But hey, this place is no different than any other social media, and it's also polarized as hell in regards of some opinions, so I kind expect this things to happen from time to time. Just one last thing here: I don't see any debate as a white/black sided option. You always have an infinite grey scale in between. Ignoring that is just dangerous.
  23. How’s your market share on YouTube coming along now that the GOAT retired?
  24. Yea that makes sense. That melody just stuck out to me right away!
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