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thongrider last won the day on December 24 2024

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7775 Excellent


About thongrider

  • Birthday 10/10/1989

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    Bergen, Norway
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    What the fuck? is this a bank?
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    Formerly known as "Jizzmo"

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  1. In 2044 pop "artists" will be stunned if someone else records their own music. "You make it yourself? Like ABBA? The prompt button is right there! That's very 1990s!"
  2. I think everyone's opinion is equally important.
  3. I think removing mainstream from the equation, and because to me what made blink great was the mixture of the catchy vocal melodies with the somewhat simple lyrics rather than the guitar riffs (I think they were added as extra Spice, but not my main reason for liking them), I would say the actual best guitarist would be inventive (but not necessarily technically skilled) guitarists who made the guitar the most important part in the songs, like Hank Marvin, Dick Dale or Django Reinhart or the Norwegian DR, Robert Normann. I dunno if any kind of guitarist like that is in mainstream music today.
  4. If someone has a girlfriend or a husband that plays guitar, that person can be their favorite, and they can also think Tom Delonge is the best, but their girlfriend is their favorite. Someone can also be into metal or jazz or blues rock growing up and be into a totally generic and boring guitarist in those genres growing up and just by nostalgia of playing along to that generic guitarist have that player as their favorite, and at the same acknowledge that Tom Delonge is the best one because of other things than technical skill. One's favorite and the guitarist one finds the best can be two different guitarists without the latter being overly technical.
  5. Best technically is not specified at all.
  6. Nick Hexum Gives a mofo riffs when he least expects'em
  7. 311 is the Eric Clapton of the 90s. Cringe.
  8. Brian May is also known for his bishop and his rook.
  9. Shit: OMT, Hurt A: Other Side, Turpentine, Blink Wave, Anthem part 3 B: WWWY, Turn this off, Dance with Me, YDNWYG 😄 Bad News, Fell in Love, MTYK, Terrified, Fuck Face 😧 Childhood, Edging S is for shit, right?
  10. Wasn't that what we all thought, but didn't dare to say because of the heartwarming video?
  11. Mark would beat any of the greatest chessplayers.
  12. Blink are super real (*echoes re'al*)
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