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Ghent last won the day on February 17

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About Ghent

  • Birthday 11/08/1986

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    2022 BotBM Champion

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  1. My favorite Tom is drunk Tom that still tries
  2. Holy shit, Jan used to be awesome What happened? Now he's mean, cynical and just yells at me all the time
  3. Embarrassing
  4. California>OMT>Nine for me
  5. The bald head looks way better than some of the hats he was wearing lol
  6. It's a no brainer. Would have to be a huge insecure tombot not to want it
  7. To crack that one means they weren't actually fighting lol
  8. Haven't been in this section a lot lately, but I see Tombots are still a thing. Yikes
  9. Lmao is this for real or is someone trolling? Seems way over the top right? This is my takeaway! They've never sounded so good and "full." Freed Tom up to dance, yodel, and work the crowd and took the pressure off him to play good. That was great, wish there was more. Wasn't even awkward get this man back in the band. Tom will probably quit again anyway
  10. Honestly they're kind of killing their own legacy by only playing Greatest Hits sets at this point in their career. Especially at a show like this that will only have fan boys anyway A song like Down is just as obscure to randos and MORE irrelevant than any deep cut fan favorite. Why play it at every single show for the rest of your career?
  11. Rabbit Hole is awesome. Bunch of clowns
  12. C'mon @High Value Man do the right thing
  13. Damn that will be awesome if we get Skiba with Tom 🤞
  14. We're here for the real, authentic slop. Say something dumb, misspell some words, and get bullied like a real man
  15. Tomatoes and strawberries don't have as much flavor from the store because neither stays fresh after ripening long enough for transportation. It's not a conspiracy. If you've ever picked either fresh, you'll know they only last a couples days tops before they turn to mush. You would have to either grow yourself or buy local if you want full flavor. Otherwise you're getting fruit picked when not ripe and modified to be large and stay "fresh." I grow both in my garden As for milk, that's just due to people buying milk with fat removed. Whole milks are still available
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