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Posts posted by enthused44

  1. Jenn, after the show did some kid spit on your friend randomly by chance?

    the kid i went with says no, he didn't get spit on. although that would've been great had you spit on him, he's a big doucher.

    .... back story please?

    Wasn't me who spit. After the show I was waiting for my ride out front, and there were these two benches across from where I was sitting, and a trash can in between them. So one kid (who Oliver may remember as the UnderOath kid. ha) and some girl are sitting there, and on the bench next to them are 2 girls who were yelling at their friends who had walked away. So the UnderOath kid spits and it hit the one girl unintentionally. Twas quite funny to watch them argue about it. haha


    that's pretty funny haha did they get mad at underoath kid? i bet they didn't say anything and just wiped it off.

  2. yeah, the ceiling was too low, the venue couldn't handle the solo, but towards the beginning he did a mini one to intro a song, although i forget which.

    i'm glad i wasn't the only one to think the set was rushed through, although they played great and i had a great time!

    also, i'm moshing, and who do i run into (literally) but the kids i met from the saratoga concert. so weird we met again. i loved it.

    i was right up front on tom's side, although during the first two songs i was pretty much almost killed. i can hold my own, but when it comes down to it, i'm still small and easily crushed. but small means awesome crowd surfing!

    the mini solo was before violence.


    there's my pictures from the show. enjoy! there's a picture of me and blink in there :)

    oh my god i saw you there- you were standing in front of me before anything was happening, around 730. and you were talking to someone on the phone about how you met them. and also i hope you were not friends with that little fuck with the asher roth tee on

    no way man that's awesome! i wish i saw you dude. and nah i just met that kid lol. my friend left me so i was just making friends with people the whole night.

    good, i'm glad you weren't. yeah i met a lot of cool peeps too, wish i had approached you after i heard you talking about it! wicked cool, man, and sick pics! glad you got to meet them :)

  3. yeah, the ceiling was too low, the venue couldn't handle the solo, but towards the beginning he did a mini one to intro a song, although i forget which.

    i'm glad i wasn't the only one to think the set was rushed through, although they played great and i had a great time!

    also, i'm moshing, and who do i run into (literally) but the kids i met from the saratoga concert. so weird we met again. i loved it.

    i was right up front on tom's side, although during the first two songs i was pretty much almost killed. i can hold my own, but when it comes down to it, i'm still small and easily crushed. but small means awesome crowd surfing!

    the mini solo was before violence.


    there's my pictures from the show. enjoy! there's a picture of me and blink in there :)

    oh my god i saw you there- you were standing in front of me before anything was happening, around 730. and you were talking to someone on the phone about how you met them. and also i hope you were not friends with that little fuck with the asher roth tee on

  4. yeah, the ceiling was too low, the venue couldn't handle the solo, but towards the beginning he did a mini one to intro a song, although i forget which.

    i'm glad i wasn't the only one to think the set was rushed through, although they played great and i had a great time!

    also, i'm moshing, and who do i run into (literally) but the kids i met from the saratoga concert. so weird we met again. i loved it.

    i was right up front on tom's side, although during the first two songs i was pretty much almost killed. i can hold my own, but when it comes down to it, i'm still small and easily crushed. but small means awesome crowd surfing!

  5. mark was really on tom to not say anything.  and after tom said stuff mark would like talk to the guys off to the side and laugh like "oh jeez not again"

    i was 10th row 4th seat in from toms side, so i saw could see all the contact he had.

    and tom fucked up GATC, and they didnt talk much between songs

    dude we were within five feet of eachother KEWL

    also facking shit it took me two hours to get out of that parking lot

  6. i think i'm getting venues confused.

    i've never been here, have you?

    Nah i havent but from what I understand of the venue    its smallish   and yea   all GA.

    i happen to be a-texting the kid i'm going with, he's been there before and says it's small, but there are seats too. i'm trying to find us a pic now.

    Killer  I will also google image the venue  but a shot from a person who is there would be saweet

    haha no i was google-ing it up too- here's one, http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://lh5.ggpht.com/_72LnLKSXh88/R8iFr56hsEI/AAAAAAAAGeQ/-frRqrMiL1o/0215081934.jpg&imgrefurl=http://picasaweb.google.com/lh/photo/HIri1l8X39w54BgcNvH_OA&usg=__tC_3cCD5fquZflTDfLH97ZqE3dI=&h=960&w=1280&sz=21&hl=en&start=12&sig2=X0mqVnL0T_pjLWFyTQaXnw&um=1&tbnid=asHBcwgroZ4DFM:&tbnh=113&tbnw=150&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dborgata%2Bevents%2Bcenter%26hl%3Den%26safe%3Doff%26sa%3DN%26um%3D1&ei=rGFuSuPECY3wlAfgwL2pDw

    it's long

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