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Posts posted by Goose_78

  1. Finally got the knob. Pretty happy with how it came out, and it nails the Dude Ranch thing through a Mesa-ish patch. That being said, the invader is not the greatest pickup in an LP for most other things, in my opinion. A JB is my pickup of choice though so it may just be that. IMG_2423.JPG

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  2. IMG_2381.JPG
    Got a plug for the switch hole. It doesn’t fit 100% perfect but I’m not trying to hunt another one down so it’s gonna stay. (It didn’t quite fit so it had to be super glued in). I also leveled the frets. This is like, the third time I’ve don’t that and I have to admit I’m pretty happy with the outcome. There where spots on the neck above the 12th that where completely dead, and now all notes play clean with the action pretty low. Didn’t polish the frets as much as I could have so they’re a little rough feeling, but I suspect they will feel better as the strings contact the crown over time. Now to get the gold knob I ordered weeks ago... you have to love shipping things direct from China.

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  3. Yeah some of the wood is reamed out to account for the thickness of the top. Its a tricky little thing

    Yea, I look back at your pics and I see it.... I know what I have to do it, but have to figure out how to do it without destroying the top.

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  4. Good to know. I’ll probably just leave the off white ones on for now. Got the bottom knob hole opened to 1/2 in, the the top is too thick to fit the original through. So I’m gonna see about finding a longer one. If not I’ll have to route it some what. Only problem with that, is that I don’t own a router. So not real sure what to do there. I wired the guitar up with just the bridge pickup and the volume knob just to see how it sounds. Kinda muddy so I need to see if I can dial some of that out but it’s promising. Got the truss rod cover installed and the nut slots opened up. Threw some strings on it and got the set up roughed in. This is has turned into a pretty cool guitar, especially since I’m well under the $500 budget I set originally.

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  5. if you want any specific reference shots of the original guitar just let me know. i've already posted a bunch on my instagram account but i can always do more. just let me know specifics.
    IG:  littleredguitars2

    Thanks man. I’ve referenced your instagram a few times already in this process. The only thing at this point that I’m a little unclear on is the plug thing in the switch hole. I’ve not seen anything quite like it. I’d love to track something similar down, but it’s not 100% necessary.

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  6. Are you going to add the stickers that were on it too? There is another thread in this section that details that. I am also in the process of remaking them so the quality is higher than just a standard image ripped off of Google or something like that. If you would like I can pass the files along to you when they are done.

    Dude that would be sweet. I gave it some thought but figured it would be nearly impossible.

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  7. After seeing this guitar resurface, and how great it sounds and how awesome and iconic it looks, (thanks to littleredguitars2) I decide to recreate it. Hoping to keep it in the $500 range instead of the 5k that the original sold for. So as a starting point, I bought a black  ‘08 Epi standard off Reverb and an older bridge Invader off EBay. Guitar was rough. Like the nastiest thing I’ve ever bought. Strings where very rusty, Lots of gunk and build up, and some of the most corroded frets I’ve ever seen.  Some of them where green. So I stripped it all down, and lots of steel wool, lemon oil, rubbing alcohol and elbow grease later, it’s in pretty good shape. Tightened up the Grover tuners, cleaned the hardware, sanded the gloss finish off the back of the neck, polished the frets, and dropped the electronics out all except the neck pickup and volume pot. I went ahead and installed the Invader, and I’ll have to ream out the bottom tone pot hole to fit the switch. Also, I have to reinstall and cut the nut for some 10-52 Ernie Balls. It was only being held in place by the pressure of the strings. Got my rainbow Ernie Ball strap in today, and a new truss rod  cover should be in my mailbox when I get home. This build is shaping up nicely. It could definitely use a new bridge, and would be more “correct” with some strap locks and locking sperzels. Kinda just depends on how much money I want to sink into this cheaper guitar. Will post updates as I progress. 

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