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Posts posted by 2point5

  1. 22 minutes ago, Drunk said:

    I think you took my joke a bit too seriously. You can apply Dance With Me to anything you want to achieve or overcome in life - it doesn’t have to be about a girl or "dancing." The 'Olés' simply represent success or happiness. Life doesn’t always have to be dark, Jan.

    I love Neighborhoods. 

    Jan is neither an alpha or partaking in any sort of intercourse so I'd take all of his opinions with a pinch of salt. He just likes to talk.

    • Like 3
  2. 36 minutes ago, Jans Stand said:

    Even if you don’t love it I don’t get this. Slamming guitars, good production finally, less cheesy lyrics than half OMT, Tom sounds prime, etc.  

    I'm really happy you enjoy it mate, it's just not for me. But you have previous for overreacting to stuff so I'll come back to you in a few months to see how you really feel about it. If you still love it at that point I'll genuinely be happy for you. I'm buzzing Blink are back and creating great music again. This one song is just a swing and a miss for me, which isn't a bad strike rate on over 20 songs.

    • Like 1
  3. 6 hours ago, Jans Stand said:

    Less is more.  Difficult cutting some but:


    1. Anthem 3

    2. Every Other Weekend

    3. Bad News

    4. If You Never Left

    5. Turpentine

    6. Terrified


    7. One Night Stand

    8. All In My Head

    9. Everyone Everywhere

    10. Edging

    11. Can't Go back

    12. YDKWYG


    bonus: MTYK

    bonus: Otherside


    That album legit would have made me cry.  I guess I did cry a few times at OMT initial release.  But..a bit harder.   

    Leaving out More Than You Know but still having Edging is criminal. But then I remember you saying ‘Carousel is the worst blink song of all time. Even travis’ drumming on it is extremely poor for his standard’. So it all adds up. 

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  4. I get way more BCR vibes from Can't Go Back than Everyone Everywhere. When that guitar comes in at the start after the drum intro, sounds just like Box Car to me. I keep waiting for the All Systems Go riff to start blasting.

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  5. 1 minute ago, Scott. said:

    Back to Marks vocals. It must be a stylistic choice because he sounds fantastic on bad news so why not keep his vocals like that throughout? 

    Like I said earlier, they've toured pretty heavily since One More Time came out and maybe its taken a lot out of him

  6. Poor Coight has gone to bed, as happy as a pig in shit, dreaming happy dreams about blink being back together making great music again, and now he's gonna have to wake up to all you debby downers whining and moaning about the new songs as soon as his back is turned. 

    • Haha 6
  7. 50 minutes ago, Scott. said:

    I’m actually glad I’ve held off now because I’m expecting the worst bridge ever and I’ll probably be pleasantly surprised by and enjoy it so thanks everyone 

    The rest of the deluxe album is probably the best songs they've ever written. Think of untitled but 10x better. They've really found their true sound.


    Enjoy it now, fucker.

    • Haha 1
  8. 5 minutes ago, Russel Coight said:

    With BotBM starting this week I just wanna say I actually have integrity 

    Imagine lying to these fine people in the very first sentence.

    Remember folks, a vote for me is a vote for honesty. Not a fan of Nine? I’m right with you, brother. You think Nine is actually a good album and should be well respected? I couldn’t agree more!

    Let’s get this competition started!

  9. 11 minutes ago, Elisa said:


    I got this close 🤏 to watch Oasis with Scott but it just wasn’t meant to be 😭

    Sounds like you dodged a bullet!


    But in all seriousness, that sucks. I hope they release more dates (surely they will) and you manage to get some. 

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