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Bob Loblaw

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Posts posted by Bob Loblaw

  1. wwwwoooooowwww. just came back. it was FUCKING AMAZING.

    tbs was awesome. i missed half their set b/c i left and they made me get back in line to get in. :( but, they were awesome and played you're so last summer and i think timberwolves, but i'm not sure b/c i missed part if it.

    jet and the bravery sucked...sorry, don't like em.

    weezer was sweet! don't know more than a few songs but i really enjoyed it.

    some dude decided to pee like on a girls seat/on the floor right next to me. fucking disgusting. kinda funny. anytime someone tried to sick in that area we yelled "NOOO DON'T FUCKING SIT THERE'S PISS!"

    blink was wow it's still crazy. i can't believe they were there. got lots on tape but i sang superloud so you can hear me. good thing it was streaming.

    they were all really happy and in a good mood. lots of hilarious jokes. tom licked or face fucked or did something to mark's face. AND THEY SANG THE BLOW JOB SONG. i was pumped for that. they actually sang it before down, which is a big contrast to last night.

    they sounded amazing. best day of my life. my first concert actually.

    oh and niku, i swear i saw you there or someone who looked like you.

    yeah i have no voice and i can't walk. this was the most exercise i've done in the past 2 years, haha. good thing school is after tomorrow. :)

    oh and no drum solo. i'm sure you guys know from the live stream. i actually was so into the concert that i didn't realize that he didn't do it.

    I swore I saw a Niku look alike too. 

    When the show was over, I thought they were bullshitting because Travis didn't do his drum solo.

    The coolest thing happened to me too.  I went up to buy an $8 beer(wtf?), paid for it, then there was a big commotion.  Richard Branson and Flava Flav were giving out free beers.  I got one from Flava, and one from Richard.  I gave one to my brother.  Then I could see Mark and Tom looking into the tent.  Tom came in, but on the other side.  Apparently I was 20 feet away from Uzzah. 

    I got lots of free gear from the Converse tent(sunglasses, shirts, bags, bottles).

    I got various pics and videos that I'll try to post tomorrow. 

    Unfortunately my night ended on a really bad note.  We had a 3.5 hour ride home.  I was completely sober by then and well rested from the night before, so I drove.  We were about an hour from home when I fell asleep at the wheel.  Right before that, I was wide awake.  I woke up and seen a car 1 foot in front of me.  We instantly hit it going 70mph , and it sent us into the jersey barrier, then we bounced off of a tractor trailer.  Then we hit the barrier two times before we came to a rest.

    I was the only one hurt.  I got my 3 front teeth knocked out, chemical burns on my arm, and I broke a blood vessel in my hand.  It bled a lot and ended up needing stitches.  The whole back of my hand was swollen.  My hand is what's killing me now.

    I might post this in Free For All with more details.  Right now my medication is making me tired and groggy and its a pain in the ass typing with one hand.

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