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Found 2 results

  1. Something I've been thinking of since the VIP package comes with new blink-182 bunny plushies... There were apparently blink-182 bunny plushies sold on the old loserkid website, but I was wondering was for how long they were doing that (like the year(s) they were doing it)? I'm checking waybackmachine, but things aren't exactly clear. Also looking at ebay, and people are selling the old bunny plushies for over $100 with wear and tear. But yeah, only available waybackmachine link shows 2000, but wondering if anyone more plugged in at the time could share information: https://web.archive.org/web/20000622082432/http://loserkids.com/product_information.asp?PRODUCT=ADLOPRM04&catalog_type= Edit: Apparently there was a tempory revival of the bunny plush for one day back in 2018... Which I missed because I stopped following the band during the Skiba RIP me. https://www.facebook.com/mrtsurt/photos/today-only-get-the-blink-182-classic-bunny-plush-figure-for-only-799-sale-ends-t/10155720691236576/?paipv=0&eav=AfaQe0l6XZ4YLTPli6D9x6TP_8R8xxEhK-c9uvg-VvpDXOisrOjynxNO0K7CX9udYnk&_rdr
  2. LOOkING FOR BLINK HAT I am looking for a very specific old Blink hat. I can't seem to find it for sale any where online so I am hoping someone here can help. So my boyfriend and I are huge Blink fan, especially him. He has a reputation for wearing a blink hat backwards everyday, pretty much everywhere he goes.It's like his thing. He recently showed me his first hat, and told me how it was his favorite hat of all time and he was only able to wear it for a few weeks before he boy destroyed it. He got it at his first Blink concert (I'm not sure what year it was), and it has a lot of sentimental value to him.This will be our second christmas together and most of December he will be away with the Coast Guard. Also he will be turning 21 in December. So as something special I am trying to find a replacement for this old ripped up hat. I'm hoping I will be able find someone here who has it, or knows somewhere I can find it. If anyone has any way they can help me give this punk, who is the love of my life, a good christmas, LET ME KNOW PLEASE!
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