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Scott. last won the day on September 22

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15784 Excellent


About Scott.

  • Birthday 06/23/1988

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    United Kingdom


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  1. Blink no 1 and I listen to OMT on Apple Music so that’s even more impressive.
  2. Turpentine. A fucking classic
  3. Let’s just pretend the skiba era never happened. The band should have ended. Skiba ffs. Cali and Nine are a fucking disgrace to the catalogue
  4. Dana white has lost some weight recently. In good shape tbf to him
  5. UFC was quality in the McGregor prime days. It’s shite now
  6. Better athletes than yours. NFL players run about 1 mile a game 🤣 and play for about 10 minutes. They’re basically roided up bodybuilders with helmets and pads.
  7. They cover about 7 miles a game on average.
  8. That’ll be the roids
  9. It’s not physical or brutal tbh, not anymore anyway. It’s just highly skilled. It’s so hard to make it professional. Probably the hardest sport to reach the top.
  10. Life span of 40 😂 what on earth are you talking about? Fuck me.
  11. Yeah they’re not the best gifs tbf. Both sports are brutal and it’s mostly tongue in cheek
  12. Pussies compared to rugby players. Life on the line 🤣 with a helmet and pads?
  13. Calls soccer players pussies yet watches a sport where they all wear pads and helmets 🤣
  14. Trump is a fucking cunt.
  15. Have a good night pal. Glad you got that out of your system.
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