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Status Updates posted by Speedo

  1. I've never seen that username before in my life.

  2. I am fucking bored to fuck.

  3. No! The world needs to know!

  4. Do you guys know what @Feeling_This_1 has in common with guitar players?

  5. No, that's not correct.

    The answer is "they both finger minors".

  6. What?! I didn't do anything!

  7. Said the victims ...

  8. Says a lot about my balls and how big they are.

  9. Just to fuck with you.

  10. Probably in jail for kiddie porn.

  11.  NASA gave you the EbolaAIDS she got from patient fucking zero in the Uber.


  12. I care about both!

  13. You people need to learn how to let jokes breathe.

  14. Vote for Ghent/Speedo BotBM 2017!!!

  15. Can anyone see why Speedo loves cinnamon toast crunch?

  16. It's tricky to rock a rhyme, to rock a rhyme that's right on time, it's tricky.

  17. Max says everybody’s angry …

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