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_Bagel last won the day on April 16 2023

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    Woke Daddy

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  1. I think im attached to this board, I can't remember what else I used the internet for?

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    2. _Bagel


      @Yang Gang was Punk Rockhahah - do you ever cruise the board on your phone ? 

       Like I’m addicted to seeing the little red notification appear. If I have 3 or more...I feel validated and that my life has amounted to something. I would rather that than get a text from someone. What is happening . The claws are in deep 

    3. Hurt - oh oh

      Hurt - oh oh

      I used to but it gets truly exhausting trying to reply back to all the snarky comments and discussions, having to go back and fix a million grammatical errors your phone made and then questioning your use of time for fixing grammatical errors on a message board like this...also, I just sort of had a crisis about laying down and surfing my phone for hours every day after work instead of doing things, a desktop allows me to just focus on it until my back is stiff and then go do something else.  I'm with you on the notifications thing, I know there's a poster that goes back and likes all your old posts at once so you have 40 notifications, only to get furious it clutters your noti box and is all old junk (monkey wrench I think his name is), and the days when I have none I'm always confused if I just need to refresh it and feel an innate sense of loneliness if it is in fact none after.

      I hope that answers your question.

    4. Russel Coight

      Russel Coight

      I’m 95% phone browsing. It’s just easier.

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