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Found 8 results

  1. For any Offspring fans here my friend and I did this the other day. Had a lot of fun coming up with the guitar arrangement!
  2. I am on guitar on this one.
  3. Let me know what you think!
  4. Its meh, we did it in one night, i wanted to step out of my comfort zone, a style of guitar ive never played, a song i had never learned before that day. Im used to playing metalcore, or hardcore, and blink covers. So we experimented with this, my buddy played the drums and i did everything else and he recorded it all in his home studio, check it out
  5. Hi, I've found a that blink 182 covered a song by Descendents, called "Hope". Everywhere I see it, it says that it was a live performance, but it sounds as it was recorded in the studio, cause it sounds pretty clear and nice. What I wanna know is if it was a live performance, and WHEN they covered it. Listening to the voice of Tom, I'd say that it was in "Dude Ranch" years (1997-1998) or EVEN "Cheshire Cat". THIS is the version I'm referring to: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=flZnSzyUxCg Cause there's another version out there that is obviously LIVE, in 2003. Thanks!
  6. Hey guys, my band Pseudoname from Columbus, OH preformed our first show a couple weeks ago at the Shrunken Head where we won the Bridging the Music Local Band Showcase. In our seven song set we covered Third Eye Blind's iconic song "Jumper". We're really psyched with how our rendition played out, including a sick solo at the end of the video by our guitarist Josh. Take a look and we'd love to know what you all think! (solo begins at 2:16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=38uv9vy-VBg Follow us of Twitter: https://twitter.com/PseudonameBand and download our free EP at http://pseudoname.bandcamp.com
  7. Yo, I did a cover with some other people online. I did all the instruments and some other people sang because I suck at singing. It's a mix between the live and studio version. Good or bad feedback appreciated!
  8. Hi guys! This is our cover of boxing day, check it out and tell us if you like it http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e7pesApESbE
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