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Everything posted by _blee1134_

  1. They will never ever get back together. as more is being released especially with travis who cant stop talking about it, and mark's b182 interview, its doubtful they will ever see tom in a good light again. I'd imagine Travis still has such harsh words because he hasnt been able to talk about it yet. He'll get it off his chest now and it'll be easier to move on
  2. They'll be friends again. I can't imagine that they'd let themselves not be. Friends like they used to be? Only if they make music together again, which I'm not so sure of.
  3. n an interview with Mark circulating throughout the internet, Mark is quoted saying "All the songs [on the +44 record] are about the end of blink-182." Mark was miss-quoted . The only songs about the end of blink on the +44 record are 'No It Isn't' and 'Lillian'. From everyone's favorite site, b182.com
  4. They probably do realize it. But Tom is a dickfor
  5. Telefonisches: Are there songs about the end of blink-182? Mark Hoppus: All the songs are about the end of blink-182 Some people are gonna hate that idea, but I'm not surprised at all that that's the case. Mark and Tom were as close as any married couple, they just didnt have the sexual part of the relationship (we think, ha). Say Mark broke up with his wife of 13 years, wouldnt you expect his next CD to be all about that? I personally dont give a crap what the lyrics are about (though being about Blink will make me a bit more interested) as long as the lyrics are good, like they have been thus far
  6. Lycanthrope and No It Isnt are nothing short of awesome. When Yout Heart Stops Beating is good, if not unspectacular.
  7. It's cool having 2 bands instead of 1, but one of the main reasons I started to love Blink was Mark and Tom together, their friendship, stuff like that.
  8. I thought it was pretty good.
  9. To me, WDNTW is full of amazing lyrics. Honestly, I think most of it is tremendous. But then Tom drops these in "I think I like today, I think it's good" "I got a gift and it blew me away. From the far Eastern sea straight to here" "Your best friend is not your girlfriend" It's weird how he can be such a good song writer, then drop in those utter pieces of crap. To answer the original question, no, I dont think so. Wasnt Good Day the first song Tom wrote after the break up?
  10. seriously though, i foresee in the future, Tom leaving these three guys to just do a complete solo album, because eventually they will get sick of Tom calling every shot. I really doubt they'll get sick of it when they walked right into a fortune with AVA
  11. I love all 3 songs. Lycanthrope was the best, imo. No It Isnt and WYHSB tie
  12. I like how she met him that night but didnt mind making out with him
  13. I took it as a relationship ending because the girl cheated on him. It could easily be a metaphor for the Blink situation though
  14. I think the background is Craig, but the "yeahhhhhhhhhhh" is Mark
  15. I've always like Tom's songs more than Marks, Buddah-Untitled. I was a little worried for +44, but I must say, thus far Mark reeks of awesomeness
  16. Why does he insist on acting so damn queer?
  17. Can anybody show me where I can listen to Dance With Me?
  18. I didnt want to create a new topic, soooo During whatever tournament Tiger Woods won today, they played "The War"
  19. Maybe he considers it Rick's fault, feeding crap into Tom's head?
  20. and you know this how now? did a member of the band tell you this directly? if not, then shut up because you dont know what your talking about. have a nice day but to be fair, if you read the lyrics, it's pretty obvious... "You're out of line and rarely sober " Scott had drinking problems "We can't depend on your excuses " Scott making excuses, the band can't run with them "Bring the ship about to watch a friend drown " Scott a friend of the band "So sorry it's over " Scotts time with the band over "Loss of a good friend " band losing a friend meh, not sure who else it could be. "Insider information"
  21. _blee1134_

    its up

    Yeah, it's a song about spouse abuse. Mark's mother is my guess. "Mom get in the car and lets drive away, she said 'I'm sorry Mark but there's nowhere to stay'" What gave it away?
  22. _blee1134_

    its up

    Anybody think if the Tsunami never hit, and Blink had their 6 month break, everything would have been ok? I would think Tom just would have caused a problem eventually regardless.
  23. _blee1134_

    its up

    I wish Mark could have said which AVA songs started out as Blink. I also wonder if Mark could do some legal action for Tom using things Mark wrote without crediting him. Not quite sure what would be up with Tom..But it is/was something. Like mentioned, Tom saying the friends tried to get him help is quite telling. The guy is seriously a looney toon
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