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Everything posted by Ghent

  1. @Speedo Any San Antonio restaurant or family entertainment recommendations? Riverwalk area

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Speedo


      When were you gonna go?

    3. Ghent


      I was there for two days last weekend, I wasn’t able to do any of your recommendations but we had a good time on the Riverwalk. Stayed at the Westin. Had been like 20 years since I was down there. Went to South Padre for a few days and SA was the pit stop.

      I-35 in Texas sucks ass though dude. I don’t know what is going on with that, but it’s like fighting for your life the second you get on it. Next time I’m in Texas I’m avoiding it at all costs south of Dallas. LA traffic is like a cakewalk compared to that lol

    4. Speedo


      35 has been under construction and miserable my entire life. We are about 20 miles from San Marcos and we avoid 35 at all costs.

  2. Wednesday, April 3, 2024: The Return of the Fap Lord?

  3. Who got the hooch, baby. Who got the only sweetest thing in the world

    1. Speedo


      Well, it’s been a while since I heard that.

    2. Ghent


      Did it have the freshy freshy?

  4. That Beyonce country song is a certified heater ? I said it

  5. It's crazy to think that the original blink breakup only lasted 4 years. Felt like a lifetime then

    1. Noble


      What I find interesting is that they released their only studio EP after said hiatus. Then Tom went la da da da dadadada da like his song and ran off to do random shit again. (tangent incoming) Not saying pointless (he formed a university and provided/leaked good information for NASA to use) and Alkaline Trio's guitarist (whose voice sounds like a 2018 SoundCloud rapper's voice) came in. Then Tom came back and Matt walked away. Like, what in the actual fuck, bro acted like a substitute teacher.

  6. Where is @Speedo?

    1. Patient #48273

      Patient #48273

      He mentioned a little while back on discord that he's taking his "annual hiatus" from the internet.

    2. Krampus dildo mold

      Krampus dildo mold

      he NeEds A TecHnoWogy BrEaK.

    3. Speedo


      I’m back. Hooray!

  7. Turpentine, Anthem Part 3, and Terrified. The Holy Trinity

  8. Damn I love blink online

  9. Thanks to @Kay for freshening up the header!

  10. ET....Phone Home

  11. Does anyone here have solar panels on their roof?
    1. Show previous comments  18 more
    2. High Value Man

      High Value Man

      Say the loan is $300 a month. Credit is $200, energy savings is $150. Thats $50 a month extra in your pocket. But then when you need a new roof and it needs to deinstall/reinstall, or there is some type of malfunction that needs to be repaired, or it gets damaged in a T-Storm, or the sun doesn't shine as much that year, you pay it back. 

      I feel like personally if the govt wants us to go solar, they should put that shit on our roof for free. Zero cost to us. Repairs? They foot that bill as well.

      Then I'd do it. The idea that I have to pay $30K to go green is hilarious.

    3. High Value Man

      High Value Man

      One of my questions to the solar troll was how often are repairs needed? How much do they generally cost? How much to deinstall/reinstall when getting a new roof.

      He kind of trailed off and changed the subject.

      I am closing the door now sir, please leave, GONE! Onto the next victim. Sorry to be so cynical but its the truth.

    4. Fun, Catchy Pop-Punk

      Fun, Catchy Pop-Punk

      I’ve heard in the gay community that James has a condition precedent before engaging with any man that he requires their dick firmly up his ass 24/7

  12. Clarke is still probably farting out little Olivers this morning

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Worst poster here

      Worst poster here

      I have heard Clarke enjoys using Oliver’s handicapped cum as milk for his cereal

    3. Ghent


      Yes, I've heard this as well..

    4. Speedo


      Probably thinks chocolate semen comes from black people too!

  13. Imagine putting in almost a decade here only to die at the defense of.....Clarke

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Speedo


      Bagel rage quit because we didn’t take Clarke’s rape story seriously.

    3. Low Value Boy

      Low Value Boy

      He'll come back, they always do!

    4. Krampus dildo mold

      Krampus dildo mold

      Bagels been on some shit lately.  

  14. What is the greatest song you've ever heard about Waffle House?

    1. Worst poster here

      Worst poster here

      El Niño Considers His Failures 

  15. I just had a bit of diarrhea, but not too bad

    1. Speedo


      Hey, we’ve all been there. I hope it stays mild, let me know if you need anything.

    2. Worst poster here

      Worst poster here

      I call that dropping an Oliver 

  16. #wherearethecuffs

  17. Historical POS (Trump) and cartoon poster (Oliver) pump the #s

  18. What in the hell is going on here? ™️

  19. How bout those CHIIIEFS. Let’s Fuckin Go! 2 SBs in 4 years ?

  20. Who ready for that big CHIEFS dub?

  21. How about those CHIEFS let’s go

    1. High Value Man

      High Value Man

      Go Philly! Woooooo!

  22. Boards acting fucky for anyone else? Specifically the reply field and quote button?

    1. Worst poster here

      Worst poster here

      Sometimes, yeah. I just close them and return later and they work? ?‍♂️

  23. All you can take with you is that which you have given away

    1. Worst poster here

      Worst poster here

      Man that’s going to be a lot of semen 

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