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About Noble

  • Birthday November 23

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    Not Telling
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    Drumming, Music, Computing, Audio, my N64
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  • Member Title
    System of American Didits

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  1. my favorite song lyrics of 2024: It's a fucked up world (world) and a fucked up place (place)
    Everybody's judged by their fucked up face
    Fucked up dreams (dreams), fucked up life (life)
    A fucked up kid with a fucked up knife
    Fucked up moms (moms) and fucked up dads (dads)
    A fucked up cop with a fucked up badge
    Fucked up job (job) with fucked up pay
    And a fucked up boss is a fucked up day
    Fucked up press (press) with fucked up lies (lies)
    While Lethal's in the back with the fucked up eyes

    written by my least favorite lyricist, Fred Durst, of the talented nu metal band Limp Bizkit.

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