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Kay last won the day on May 14

Kay had the most liked content!


19463 Excellent


About Kay

  • Birthday 03/25/1989

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  • Gender
    Not Telling
  • Location
    Wales, UK
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  • Member Title
    Invaluable Nonbinosaur

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  1. What if my heart won't recover? 

    1. _Bagel
    2. Noble


      Sorry m8 you'll just have to throw away those emo CDs from 2003

  2. And thanks to @Ghent Lvl 5 for updating the forum icons with the newer smiley :) 

    1. Ghent


      My (mostly unnoticeable) idea, but credit goes to @Dean for implementing this one

  3. To all the men I have threatened by my Alpha Woman status, I apologise 

  4. 24 bottles of coke at my door, 24 bottles of coke...

  5. You're handsome, you magnificent beast. 

    1. _Bagel


      Oh SHUCKS Kay , u dreamboat

  6. Tom eats pickles on top of his buns but his SM manager won't let him post the pics

  7. Making love at midnight sounds tiring. 

    1. _Bagel


      Plus in a sand dune ? Sand...just isn’t the one, finds a way into every crevice 

  8. Hi Kay. Just wondering if the gift exchange on Christmas worked out? Thought it was a great idea 

    1. n i k u

      n i k u

      it did, for the most part 

    2. Iblinkfor182Always


      Let me know if you decide to do it again next Christmas. Would love to be a part of it. Thanks 

  9. I miss Nasa too and others have mentioned their disinterest in returning. 

  10. I want to see the lizard people!

  11. They bounced out quicker than the Redditors, isn't that sad? 

  12. Hey, oldies back just to vote, did you like Nine? just curious

  13. me too! most of the time

  14. Try PMs my dude. 

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