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Kay last won the day on October 11

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About Kay

  • Birthday 03/25/1989

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    Not Telling
  • Location
    Wales, UK
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  • Member Title
    Invaluable Nonbinosaur

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  1. This is probably the right way to settle the rugby vs american football debate https://www.electro-mech.com/team-sports/football/nfl-football-vs-rugby-which-is-the-toughest/#:~:text=Football players do indeed hit,the same for each sport. No ones arguing for football (soccer) because of course not
  2. Honestly thats insulting
  3. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/6UbLPvA720BG5FDspJ9h5Q?si=BZxGxsdUQuqhcwwyl5IAqQ&pi=e-fagWLSGlRPGe
  4. So a while back I took my preferred tracks from the full release and made a playlist. I am so damn glad I did because that playlist has become a mainstay for me and has made me appreciate the record a whole lot more. Now that I can be a driving human (woohoo) I listened to the full 15 track playlist twice yesterday driving to and from my sisters flat. It was just freakin’ nice. There are songs on there that I wasn’t super hype on originally but in the context of a bunch of songs I dig they have a new lease on life, and I just like them all a bit more than I did before. I don’t think that would have happened without the new 8 - I only like 5 of them but thrown in with the others makes a much better experience. So yeah, I am having a lil resurgence of love for this record, by cutting out essentially half of it haha
  5. Kay

    New song

    Guys he's a kid, cut him some slack
  6. Permaskip for me, the awkward syllable smashing of the chorus is off putting and the verses are boring AF.
  7. If you listen to it right before blink wave its fun as hell. I like “blinks occasionally 80s” moments haha
  8. That one doesn’t work for me at all. Not sure why. I have been obsessed with Every Other Weekend and no one seems to care for it much haha
  9. I actually prefer a few of them to a good chunk of the initial release tbh Not all are great, most of the latter half are trash but there’s some good stuff there
  10. Might have nothing to do with her specifically but being in an unhappy marriage is going to leave its mark on both people so, his resurgence makes a lot of sense.
  11. Fuck yes it does, Settlers rocks I was thinking this, he does seem genuinely a lot happier and comfortable in himself.
  12. That’s my fuckin’ guy.
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