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Status Replies posted by twentytwenty

  1. I now have my own Music PR agency ?

    Looking for artists to work with! 

    1. twentytwenty


      Congrats dude! Hope it will give you lots of joy

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. I saw John Fogerty live over the weekend. He was good. Thank you for your time.

    1. twentytwenty


      He's great! Seen him a few times and he never disappoint 

  3. Covid for a second time - let's goooooo

  4. Egg nog tastes like shit 

    1. twentytwenty


      Haha I had the same experience with root beer. That 70s show made me have so much hope for it.

      I had a similar experience with Froot Loops, imported it, was expensive as hell, and tasted like shit, like I immediately had to spit it out 

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  5. Like that feeling that you get when the disc is CORRECT. 

    Those are sick lyrics, eat my ass 

  6. Assthenia is the worst song on Untitled. Change my mind. Interlude doesn't count

  7. Assthenia is the worst song on Untitled. Change my mind. Interlude doesn't count

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