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Elite Takes - this is jan

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Elite Takes - this is jan last won the day on August 23

Elite Takes - this is jan had the most liked content!


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    Olidamus Doorbell Cam


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    Dude Ranch

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  1. I'm not hitting play on that. Ffs just the sheer imagery of this thumbnail shakes me to my core in terms of cringe.
  2. The more I see this the more I think we really did get an industry clone/robot 😄
  3. "She left me Roses by the stairs.. Diddy says put back on your Chastity belt it's over there"
  4. "She left me Roses by the stairs.. (unfortunately) Diddy hates when women take off their underwear"
  5. "She left me Roses by the stairs.. Only is it Diddy that pretends he doesn't care"
  6. Someone's VERY comfortable with their sexuality here.
  7. Why? It’s pretty sexy of a gift. Shows some creativity at that.
  8. They're definitely targeted ads but at the same time I'm glad they were able to quiet down your wipe sessions. Not sure I'd want to know what that was like prior.
  9. Dude you don't need to fall for every instagram ad you see catered towards stinky incel dudes in Ohio. I'm convinced you don't even fully love these products, you just love the adverts. Let me guess, you also own Dr. Squatch deodorant, and Mugsy jeans. Use pine tar/charcoal tooth paste. And are saving up for a Ford Raptor. I'm like the opposite here - I actually like these products - scents are good, but hate the adverts so I boycott and find an alternative.
  10. You minty asshole (literally). Tbf I love a good mint rinse in the shower, use it for shampoo/conditioner and stuff. Haven't tried cleaning the arse with it yet.
  11. It's a fucking chill MLB player who, if you watched the video, surfs and plays guitar and stuff. Not some asshole jock in high school the lyrics referred to - go wipe your butt.
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