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jantastic last won the day on January 20

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    Olidamus Doorbell Cam


  • Member Title
    Dude Ranch

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  1. Also crazy Nirvana reunited a night later.
  2. More like sAdmin
  3. This comment is moronic for various many reasons.
  4. Dude Ranch is most certainly blink, and Travis was basically a session drummer for Enema (his words, not mine) and plenty was written before he got there so. Try again.
  5. No, but that would be kinda awkward no offense. Otherwise I'd be game. Sorry, Jan's rules.
  6. Level this up one step further and just get rid of Travis. This would create a whole new writing spell for Tom & Mark circling back to where it all started. No more drums to cover up any moments just straight vibing Dude Ranch style but after experience. I would cry, no joke
  7. The only fragile ecosystem I know of, is this place since you took over as a mod..
  8. I'm fine with them always bringing him out live if in same area for some Cali covers. That's about all they need. 4-piece would be crazy trying to balance 3 vocalists..? Nah Make a few tracks together sure call it a side project/EP would be cool. Different name this time.
  9. Nah I never liked the song One More Time as much as everyone else did. You're imagining things. Album was good.
  10. I haven't soured on anything it's called not staying in a perpetual honeymoon phase? Like come on guys. You can get excited about something and then settle into reality more after that's passed have a new perspective and still appreciate it. It just shows how great their heydey was.
  11. Nah, pretty sure I even corrected it at the time. Read the full post.
  12. Except.. it's calling Trump your BFF at the time and then calling him Hitler. You have it flipped. I'm in in the right here. ❤️
  13. It's my family Ghent. They're cray cray.
  14. You yelled at me first about a single Pistons-Bulls game.
  15. Clearly not what I meant and can tell by the prior text. 2/3 all timers is a stretch for any album (unless we're comparing it to Cali era, then yeah every millisecond of noise is an all timer in comparison
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