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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/26/12 in Posts

  1. I have a diary from like, 3rd or 4th grade where I lied about meeting her.. Lied to my DIARY. Oh, me and Hoku, we're tight.
    3 points
  2. I fucking love that song tho. Also, [media]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG7T9q48ggQ Snow Day man.
    2 points
  3. last one, i swear. [media]http://youtu.be/8mGBaXPlri8 and yes, i realize im going back a little further than five years
    2 points
  4. Hey folks. I'm doing the coolest project in one of my production classes. Basically... I have to pick a song of my choice, collect videos and photos, and information on the song, the recording process, what equipment was used, who they have used to record in the past and who they use on the song, Production techniques , producers and all that jazz. I'm obviously doing blink. I'm thinking about using some of the recording footage from S/T ( wondering if anyone has a large all compiled bit of it they could post? ) ... And also any footage of them in the studio otherwise. Also, I'm not a big gear head, wondering if anyone knows some of their special outboard gear they've used... I'm guessing ProTools is what they're using now based on the photo that was uploaded of the recording of DED. But like, what kind of mic's ( I swear I remember something about Tom using Blue Bottle Mics or something) ... And then who they've worked with producer wise,engineer wise....and shit. I never kept up to date with that information. I knew Jerry Finn , and the Lord Angles ( or however you spell it ) .. but thats about all I know. If anyone could help me, I will mail them a lollypop. Thank you. Song of choice : Not Now
    1 point
  5. Travis did say prior to the release that Neighborhoods could very much be considered the second disc to self titled if it were a double disc album. And while I agree that sound wise they're similar, I don't agree with the overall statement. Few songs on Neighborhoods really feel like they fit alongside selftitled, Neighborhoods always felt a little safer than self titled, and a little less coherent. Still I do agree that when Travis talks about blink music for the most part, I agree with what he has to say about it.
    1 point
  6. Gives David more time to play in AVA cover bands.
    1 point
  7. i'm supposed to contact my doctor if it lasts longer than 4 hours. im so happy.
    1 point
  8. one of the best things about travis is that he doesn't seem to lie about shit. he either tells the truth or doesnt open his mouth
    1 point
  9. get OUT of here, Kyle. the Lizzie McGuire movie transitioned perfectly into her glorious music career. the beat of my heart.
    1 point
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