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  1. Hmm, I'm not so sure on that, this is the man that labeled a song Dick Lips simply because it was a funny phrase he came up with and couldn't let it go and openly admitted as such. If he's that open about a name like that, I have to imagine he knew what he was doing with a term like Asthenia even if the name doesn't mean what he claimed it did. I think he was trying to influence the meaning of the word. Years before that was such a common thing to do. Kids today are creating dumbass terms left and right: skibidi toilet, hawk tuah, brainrot, etc etc. He might have just been trying to be on the forefront of that kind of culture shift.
  2. Not exactly anyway. I remember years ago, looking up the word in Google and only the blink song coming up in the search results, and paid it little mind beyond that. Today though, after listening to the amazing song for the thousandth time, I got reminded how I never saw his definition pop up anywhere. For those unaware, back when Untitled was new, he claimed that Asthenia meant: "This song is about one thing only, an astronaut sitting in a space capsule about the size of a car, floating above the earth. He's contemplating if even coming back or not will make a difference on such a negative place. A song about the loss of hope. A term was coined for the breakdown of life in space and it is called Asthenia, the name of the track. At the beginning of the song are actual NASA transmissions." I always loved this idea, that we had a word for such a state of being. But looking up the word today, Merriam-Webster describes Asthenia as: lack or loss of strength. Dictionary.com has the same definition. And that's it. There is no additional meaning to the word. As far as I can tell, making it about outerspace is entirely on Tom. I question if he was trying to add meaning to the word and be the one that coined it as such. I mean I kinda love that if that is the case, but all the same, I feel the need to call it out. Did someone misinform him, did he simply remember incorrectly, or was he trying to manipulate the English language by giving a cool new term to something that doesn't really have a proper label? I will always view the word as essentially holding Tom's meaning of being in space and no longer having a desire to return home, even if that isn't what the word technically means.
  3. As someone who acknowledges the unspoken rivalry between blink-182 and Green Day for the top spot of the pop-punk kingdom, and as someone who overall prefers blink over Green Day, I can not deny what a fucking masterpiece that American Idiot is. A lot of this thought is coming from listening to the 20th anniversary release with the demos and live recordings. They were undeniably in the fucking zone, I don't know if the tale is true that the album they were working on was stolen or not, frankly, it doesn't matter, credit where credit is due, it is their magnum opus, yes, I say that it is better than Dookie and Kerplunk, don't waste your time with me on that. I still think blink's Untitled narrowly edges it out, but holy shit, those 2 years were quite a fucking time to be pop punk fans. And I have a lot of shit to throw at Green Day in the years since, but there is no denying for me that this album was a masterpiece.
  4. Will definitely be reading this on day 1
  5. I apologize, I just failed to see the point, my bad.
  6. Ah, well now that we have this person's wife's opinion, we should all just shut up and accept this as the only true way anyone should feel about this song... What are we even doing at this point? How have so many of us lost sight of what a goddamn opinion is? No one should need validation one way or another about how they feel about any particual piece of art, it is and always will be subjective.
  7. I'll disagree with ya on this, but respect your opinion all the same. Nine is great in my opinion. But this isn't the topic to dissect this, we should talk about this in an already established Nine thread; this is the One More Time Part 2 thread (technically OMT Deluxe, but come on, we're only really talking about the new songs here, and I suppose Cut Me Off and See You).
  8. Ah, so it's not the guitar, it's the writers. Fair enough, you should have just said so from the start though.
  9. Is that for real? Why the hell am I wasting my time?
  10. Bro you can't make A=B no matter how much you try. And again, regardless of IF he played guitar or not, how is this less of a blink song than What Went Wrong is? Clearly all 3 had bigger contributions to this song than they all did to What Went Wrong regardless of who is playing guitar on this one.
  11. Still hasn't proven that Tom didn't record guitar, only that it has additional writers, which was never an argument being made here...
  12. Lol what have you proven? That it's performed by blink? How drunk are you? Are you mistaking 'written by' as 'performed by'?
  13. One final thought. Since Mark and Travis are apparently in What Went Wrong (not sure if that's true, but they could be, someone is playing that oboe or is that a clarinet? Doesn't matter, I'll entertain that they're both in there regardless of the supposed contributions) and that makes that song ok as a slow blink song under your strange logic. Well doesn't the fact that Tom sings in Take Me In count as full blink contribution in that same vein? Hell even IF that guitar ain't Tom, it seems clear to me that Take Me In is more all 3 members of blink than What Went Wrong is.
  14. Lol this is not the same guy that initially got upset because I had an opinion that didn't match his. Get some sleep bud, I think you've had a long night haha.
  15. My question that you very clearly drunkenly did not understand was: because What Went Wrong has no BASS or DRUMS, does that mean I can't love that beautiful song as I do? If not, what makes having no guitar so much of a bigger sin than having both no bass and no drums? Again, keep in mind your argument originally was that Take Me In has no guitar whatsoever, and that's why I can't hold it up against my favorite slow blink songs which again, includes What Went Wrong.
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