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Roary last won the day on August 18

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About Roary

  • Birthday 07/25/1886

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  • Gender
  • Location
    The Mitten
  • Interests
    drums, guitar, watching Detroit Lions fail year after year, boobies, marijuana, food, and of course long walks on the beach
  • Real Name
    Jack Goff


  • Member Title
    Mohammad Wall-E

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  1. Blink shouldn’t have a session guitarist in the first place. I guarantee you at least half of the guitars on OMT are Ilan Rubin.
  2. Jan out here doing the Lord’s work. I can almost guarantee that there are several guitar tracks even on OMT the original release that are not Tom playing
  3. Bet $50. And I’m talking about him not joining as a member. Announcing a project or some shows with them doesn’t count.
  4. Deryk is not going to Linkin Park.
  5. What did you do to get banned?

    1. Speedo


      Farted and blamed the dog.

    2. Ghent


      What did he do NOT to get banned is the real question

    3. Russel Coight

      Russel Coight

      How is he meant to answer if he’s banned?

  6. This is my gripe with the digital setup. I don’t care what anybody says. The guitar doesn’t hit the same with digital amps as using real amps. Not even close.
  7. You are reaching. In fact reaching doesn’t even do Justice for what you’re doing. Whatever tho, carry on. If you want to make dumb proclamations go ahead
  8. Yea I’m sure Finn could have produced anything. Pop, metal, country, funk . So I’m not sure what Jan’s point is. He’s claiming the song resembles metal and it doesn’t at all lol
  9. This song in no way shape or form resembles metal
  10. Dude can’t hold his liquor
  11. Toms do not sound like gunshots. That would be a snare
  12. You can’t give em your best songs right away. If you got anthem p3 first, the bulk of the album would have felt like a let down when it was released
  13. I know, I remember lol. I was going to make fun of him for how he was proclaiming OMT (song) and MTYK were epic when they first came out and now they’re off of his list entirely. But people can change their opinions and he was excited for the new songs at the time. I stand by Jan!
  14. I don’t think he’s saying it ruins the album, it just adds clutter. Doesn’t really add anything of value. I agree. I’m not mad at all that the songs exist or that they choose to record them. Blink has enough good material for me to listen to at any given time. I just don’t see what these songs bring to the table, I doubt I’ll ever revisit them.
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