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Leo the Lion

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Leo the Lion last won the day on February 19

Leo the Lion had the most liked content!


9181 Excellent


About Leo the Lion

  • Birthday 07/25/1886

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    The Mitten
  • Interests
    drums, guitar, watching Detroit Lions fail year after year, boobies, marijuana, food, and of course long walks on the beach
  • Real Name
    Jack Goff


  • Member Title
    Mohammad Wall-E

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  1. Brand New is Donald Trump approved!
  2. This is old news bears my man
  3. Just a normal set up. But had them put thicker strings on it and asked it to be set up in Drop C#. They returned it in C# standard lol but that’s been fun to mess around with. I wanted it in drop tuning since that’s easier for the larger neck and my small hands…but so far haven’t bothered changing it from c# standard yet. Think I just needed something different to avoid getting bored
  4. Got my Strat back from the shop. It just met its new brother for the first time. My babies are so pretty 😍
  5. @jantastic this song just came on and I didn’t turn it off. Made me think of you. You ever use the name One Night Jan? You should…
  6. You are a clown. I’m sure you’d enjoy a book about that shitty drummer named Scott and his life as a cop though! 🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡
  7. Kind of like all of your opinions and takes lately!
  8. Yea I’ve seen a few people here trash Travis’s book but I enjoyed it a lot. It was cool to read the progression of his life. He was always destined to make it big as a drummer and it was cool to read his story of destiny.
  9. Yea I was joking. His book will be PG for sure. Maybe a couple swear words but that’s about it.
  10. I hope to learn that Mark’s bachelor party was even wilder and sleazier than Travis’s!
  11. Oh yea, the shitty cyber trucks that are constantly being recalled for defects are awesome! The incel ridden Twitter filled with false information that shadowbans anyone that posts real facts is a great company as well! You are a fucking stupid moron and that doesn’t even do you Justice for how totally inept your brain is.
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