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Something I've been thinking of since the VIP package comes with new blink-182 bunny plushies... There were apparently blink-182 bunny plushies sold on the old loserkid website, but I was wondering was for how long they were doing that (like the year(s) they were doing it)? I'm checking waybackmachine, but things aren't exactly clear. Also looking at ebay, and people are selling the old bunny plushies for over $100 with wear and tear.

But yeah, only available waybackmachine link shows 2000, but wondering if anyone more plugged in at the time could share information: https://web.archive.org/web/20000622082432/http://loserkids.com/product_information.asp?PRODUCT=ADLOPRM04&catalog_type=

Edit: Apparently there was a tempory revival of the bunny plush for one day back in 2018... Which I missed because I stopped following the band during the Skiba RIP me.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I bought the bunny plush when it was rereleased a few years ago. I don't remember the bunny plush ever being for sale on there, must have been before I was shopping around on there.

I still have a Loserkids shipping box with the logo on it somewhere

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14 hours ago, Radioactive Ghent said:

I bought the bunny plush when it was rereleased a few years ago. I don't remember the bunny plush ever being for sale on there, must have been before I was shopping around on there.

I still have a Loserkids shipping box with the logo on it somewhere

I'll take pictures later, but I got the VIP bunny (from eBay which came with the VIP lanyard and pin (not sure what else came with the VIP package other than guitar picks and a badge that was attached to the lanyard (I didn't get those two)) and on the Facebook Marketplace I found the 2018 version of the bunny ("New" but not in any of the packaging that buying new comes with). What's odd (and I don't know if this is cause of the build of the bunny, or the box the seller put the bunny in), but the 2018 bunny doesn't stand up straight. Like I said, I need to get around to taking photos of my two bunnies later. 

The 2018 version came with a Loserkids shipping box or was that from another purchase (and not the bunny)?

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  • 2 weeks later...
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  • 4 weeks later...

Blink back with another variation of the blink bunny...


I want that santa blink bunny, and make a trio of blink bunnies in my collection

(Also bummed that instagram doesn't embed (not even the trick of https://www.ddinstagram.com/p/CzmgAwESki4/?img_index=2 that works for discord doesn't work here))

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  • 9 months later...
6 hours ago, Patient #48273 said:

Does the blink bunny make you feel a certain way?

No, I just like the mascot and find them interesting...

Honestly prefer it to the smiley that they have been using since 2003 (I find that one boring) if anything the bunny is more playful and a cool mascot for the band. Though I wish @daveyjoneswas still around since I originally wanted to get more information, and he seemed to be very knowledgeable when it came to blink.

Edited by Monkey Chips
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