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Speedo last won the day on October 10

Speedo had the most liked content!


22829 Excellent

About Speedo

  • Birthday 08/20/1986

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    This place is a zoo.

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  1. No one here knows you or cares about your band.
  2. A mosquito, my libido Kurt Cobain would vote for Speedo!
  3. lol is it really? I could really tell, I just saw wings!
  4. Yeah, it’s a big ass eagle because he loves freedom. It’s why he continues to vote for Speedo 2024 BotBm!
  5. A few times, yeah! Great stuff from an amazing band. Cheer is still my favorite but this new one is great.
  6. Big Me is a great song and I like the lead in Monkey Wrench; outside of that I don’t care about Foo Fighters or Dave Grohl. So, it’s whatever. That being said, I don’t think Grohl’s a bad person and I think Foo Fighters probably ended the day Taylor died and this is probably just a convenient way to end it.
  7. It’s about damn time. They’ve been sitting on these songs for years now.
  8. My youngest got pinworms! Don’t put things in your mouth, you’ll get worms and they’re hard as fuck to get rid of.
  9. If you did you’d know they need to be washed and we wouldn’t call you Stinky Nuts behind your back!
  10. Maybe! I’m gonna wait until I see the census here on it again though. I was burned by Travis’ book and I don’t wanna waste my money again.
  11. Mark is the most PR friendly of the three, I doubt there’s gonna be much inside controversy to any of it.
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