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21 hours ago, RebelGirlsUnite said:

What the tin foil hat are you talking about? The blink best of playlist on Spotify has everything from Carousel to ATST to Always and Wishing Well... Far from a Tom dodge..

I played BIOMY on my Google home on Spotify and then it played a random playlist full of Blink and other similar bands, exactly what I posted. It's the second time in a row it's happened. 

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a lot of interesting comments


Here at the office, we’re fascinated with YouTube clips of your last Blink shows. You’re playing one of those huge festivals, and you’ve changed your singing a lot. You’re singing way differently on those last shows. I was curious what led you to sing in that different voice.
I kind of learned how to use my voice. I never learned how to sing, so I was always trying to sing like the Descendents. When I got in Angel and Airwaves, the tempo was slower, the melodies were written differently. And then, rather than nasally staccato, it became more like violin, more like a stringed instrument. The notes flow together. And then it came naturally to me. I’m not even a good singer. I’m just a little punk kid. I learned how to do this in a garage. So it’s really hard to make that sound good when you’re not even doing it right to begin with, you know? When you’re singing that way, you can’t even hit the notes. You’ll be flat or sharp 80 percent of the time, because the way you slam your vocal chords together on every single word really messes up [the] pitch. So I think for me, it wasn’t even really conscious. It was just what I’ve been doing for years with Angels and Airwaves. It’s the only way I know how to sing now.

Did you get blowback from the guys — “You’re not singing like you do on the records”?
No. I think kids just want it to sound like it did and I don’t blame them. And I probably could. But it seems funny to try and sound like I was 16 again. I’m not. Authenticity is a big deal for me. Be yourself. If you’re not being yourself, then the whole thing is just a play. You’re just putting on a play every night. And I can’t do that; I feel like a robot. I’ve just got to be myself.

Regarding Blink, it’s really interesting that you said, “I love what they’re doing.” That’s a pretty big to say because I would think that if there’s another guy singing your music, Matt Skiba …
You journalist, you’re trying to push buttons. So transparent.

It’s true, though!
No, I don’t care. I’m a confident guy. I like what I do regardless if people like it or not. I don’t need admiration or people clapping or cheering at me. I don’t need that validation from an audience. I love the fact that they have a way to do what they love. That’s what I care about. I love that they don’t have to wait for me or rely on me depending on when I can or can’t do something. That’s frustrating for them. Do we have differences in what we like musically? Absolutely. But it’s not like my ideas are any better, or something. They’re just different.


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Wow I don't even know where to begin on that article...

"But I tend to realize that everything I’ve done in my life is about five years ahead of its time." lol...

I guess the big takeaway for me, is that the new AVA album is releasing alongside this movie he's making...which hasn't started filming yet. So it's going to be a longgggg time sadly. 

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34 minutes ago, Ry-Bread said:

Wow I don't even know where to begin on that article...

"But I tend to realize that everything I’ve done in my life is about five years ahead of its time." lol...

I guess the big takeaway for me, is that the new AVA album is releasing alongside this movie he's making...which hasn't started filming yet. So it's going to be a longgggg time sadly. 

yeah, i have the feeling rise will get irritated and force him to release the record sometime in the fall to capitalize on the tour, since that movie will never probably see the light of day

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Note sure if I believe this, and this explains why originally it just looked like TTSA ripped it from the NY Times and added their logo:

When you said that To the Stars was responsible for the footage in the Times, what did you mean?
"The video had gone declassified and To the Stars Academy were the ones that received it."

"I don’t want to talk about anything else with that. So we’re the ones that brought it to the Times. The Times then was able to go out and find another copy of the video. That’s why there’s their version without our logo and then there’s the version with the To the Stars logo on it. So somebody at the Pentagon gave the Times the video."

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Wow, that interview.. what a self-centered, narcissistic idiot. All of his interviews seem to revolve around his ego. You don't get the same selfish vibe from Mark let alone Travis interviews.

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Thing is that I'm starting to get the same vives as the ones I got back when he promoted other releases. Sounds like he just spreads his shit prior to al album release and then kind of fades out. This time, though, when seeing him, looks more natural in his behavior, but well...

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